Other services

In addition to our training and professional development offer, our experienced practitioners can also provide valuable support to schools, charities, voluntary organisations, Local Authorities, businesses and other partners to ensure that your needs are fully identified and met.

Examples of our services include:

Consultancy and advice

Working alongside SLT, Governors and PSHE subject leads to provide specialist advice and guidance.
Watch a short clip which explains more about this element of our service:

Subject audit

An audit of your schools PSHE education provision, recommendations and action planning for achieving improvement and evidencing for stakeholders

Curriculum development and support

Design and development of bespoke curriculum materials to meet specific local needs or enhance your PSHE provision, including support with use of local health data to inform curriculum intent.

Review, resourcing, signposting and mapping of your PSHE curriculum provision to ensure both best practice and breadth, but also compliance with statutory RSHE requirements.
Watch a short clip which explains more about this element of our service:

Policy review and development

PSHE education-related policy review and development.  E.g., RSE, anti-bullying, PSHE education, drug education, school food

Subject lead development

Support to develop the role, effectiveness and impact of the PSHE subject lead in school, including monitoring and evaluation of PSHE, coaching and one-to-one support

Community engagement

Support on engaging with the school community on PSHEe related themes e.g., parent workshops and consultation, student engagement, surveys for staff and students

Non-school support

We also work with charities, education-based businesses, local authorities and other organisations!  If your organisation is not school-based, and you would like to engage us in any bespoke, commissioned projects or work around PSHE and the health and wellbeing of children and young people, then we would love to talk to you!